And the winner is . . .
Our first creativity contest is in the history books. We received some very creative and very funny submissions for our inaugural contest "Create A Caption!"The winner of $20 in On Board Credit on the 2010 cruise is Dennis Giovine! Congratulations Dennis! We'll put you down for that $20 credit. You'll probably want to use it to buy a picture of Tim & Barry!
We'll keep the past contest results up on the site for everyone to see. We announce our new contest below so keep reading!
Tim & Barry go to Hell!
On the serious side, Hell, Cayman Islands is one of the most unique rock formations on earth. Apparently it got it's name when one local exclaimed, "This is what Hell must look like!"
Regardless of how it got it's name, we're going! If you don't go with us, you just might get a post card from you know where . . .
A Little Dab'll Do Ya - New Contest Announced!
Commercial Jingles are intended to make you remember the product for which it was written. Catchy hooks, short memorable lines that stick in your head like glue and keep that product in the forefront of your mind.
When you hit a retail store, that inescapable chorus will drive you to purchase the item simply to relieve the insanity. Bet you have one in your head now don't you? Sorry about that!
To help you get that perpetual verse out of your head, your challenge is to create a commercial jingle, but not for something that normally has a jingle. Your songworthy item is! The cruise that helps you reach your creative potential. Create a catchy tune that will make even the stuffiest land lubber catch the boat. Think Catchy!!
Your jingle can be as short as the Brylcreem classic, "A Little Dab'll Do Ya" or as long as the classic McDonalds ad "Two all beef patties, special sauce . . . " So put on those thinking caps
The prize this month is a $25 credit! To submit your jingle just email to with 'jingle' as the subject. We'll compile them and post them on the web site for voting later in the month. The deadline for submissions is 16th at midnight Eastern.
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