Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cruise for the cost of Breakfast!

Did you know that four out of five people believe a cruise is unaffordable. Add the cost of a conference and it’s just out of reach IN THEIR MINDS. BUT the TRUTH is far different. For the cost of a cup of coffee and breakfast, less than $3 a day you can be part of 2010, Jan 16-21.

Do you really want to choose a cup of joe over the time of your life? Here’s another perk, spouses LOVE our cruise and say it’s the best magic conference THEY have ever attended. “Happy wife, happy life.” The same applies for the husbands of our lady registrants.

In fact we've made a YouTube video about cruising for the cost of breakfast. You can see it at:

Why not 'subscribe' to our channel while you're there. This will give you notifications when we add new videos. We have shot several more and will be adding them over the next few weeks as they're ready.

Right Brain vs Left Brain?

If Creativity comes from one or the other - we're not really sure. We just know that no matter which one it is, it will be bigger and better after you leave Even though we don't know much about brain (we're not even sure we have one) we have a new funny video about it on Just click over there and watch the 'jello' video, or better yet, here's a direct link to it: Click Here!

Dunt Da Da Duh!
Announcing the 2010 theme!
From the days of King Arthur and his round table of equality of ideas we announce 2010 to be the year of the FLOATING ROUND TABLE!

We’re planning more hands-on workshops, more cruiser participation and more fun than ever before. YOU really will be the STARS of CREATIVITY in 2010. We listened to your feedback from previous cruises and in the words of our new President, “Change has come!


Welcome to the Blog! We'll post information here that we send out as updates as well as other interesting developments for the 2010 cruise as they become available.